Tag Archives: bio-energy

Sustainable Biomass in the Context of Climate Change and Rising Demand

The Rio+20 sustainable development conference launched a process to develop a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and put the ambitious agreement on the global political agenda to strive for a
development that works for the people and the planet (UN GA 2012).

This brief presents key scientific findings about the sustainability challenges of biomass production and use. On this basis, it argues that issues of natural resource governance deserve greater recognition in the SDG negotiations – as they are at the heart of the joint Rio+20 commitment “to ensure the promotion of an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable future for our planet and for present and future generations” (UN GA 2012, 1).

Land-based biomass, derived from plants, is used for food, feed, fuel, and industrial purposes. Its sustainable production and consumption is the prerequisite to continuously meeting basic human needs while safeguarding the environment. Therefore, the issue of sustainable biomass plays an important role in achieving key objectives of the Post-2015 development agenda, such as food security, energy security, biodiversity, and/or climate stability.

Read the full brief and share your comments.

西南山区农村生物质能有效利用模式及其效益分析——以户用沼气生态庭院模式为例 (Effective use of bio-energy and its benefits in mountainous rural areas in SouthwesternChina : the case of the Biogas Courtyard Model)

This brief is submitted in the Chinese language. The full brief could be accessed through the below link. Your comments could be in either English or Chinese.

摘 要
农村生物质能比较分散、廉价和易得性等特点,决定了其在广大农村地区发展的现实可能性。有效利用生物质能是提 高农民收入、改善农村家庭生产生活条件的重要决策。武隆县生物质资源丰富,以薪材、秸秆服辅以煤炭为主要生活能源,能源利用 效率仅为 8%。为了提高能源利用效率、改善农民生活条件,武隆县启动了户用沼气“一池三改”生态庭院工程,沼气池建设与改厨、 改厕、改圈同步实施。本文通过对武隆县农户的调查和走访,从经济、生态和社会三方面分析户用沼气生态庭院模式对有效利用生物 质能的特点和功能。沼气厌氧发酵池作为整个模式中生物质回归补偿的重要环节,实现了物质能量流从传统生物质利用模式单向线性 向闭合循环的转变。研究结果显示,户用沼气生态庭院模式的内部收益率为 24.8%,大于基础利率 10%,经济效益明显;年平均产沼 量可以替代 3.55t 薪材、4.07t 秸秆和 3.02t 煤炭,由此可以分别消减 4.26t、4.21t、1.77t CO2排放量,对应分别减少 22.28kg、 21.49kg、7.54kg 氮的损失。与传统生物质能利用模式相比,户用沼气生态庭院模式降低了家庭妇女的劳动机会成本。因此,可以得 出结论,武隆县户实现生物质能有效利用的户用沼气生态庭院模式,调整了农村能源利用的形式,缓解其对生物质资源的压力,并且 改善环境经济条件和健康水平。
