RegenVillages – Integrated village designs for thriving regenerative communities

The U.N. (UNCTAD Report, 2013) outlines the urgent necessity for hyper-local, self-reliant village designs to prepare for 2+ billion additional people joining the planet by 2050.

The RegenVillages initiative is a model blueprint for industry, government, and academic action. The partnership seeks to accelerate the proliferation of affordable, integrated village designs that power and feed self-reliant communities thus tackling the challenges expected from climate change and overpopulation from an economic, social and environmental perspective.

“Regen” is a short form of “Regenerative” that defines sustainability through the lens and metrics of strong, self-reliant communities. This concept for modern village design is aspirational, heralding a refreshing and revitalized perspective on the development of “landed strata” by integrating proven technologies in innovative
ways, such as built-environment energy positive dwellings, renewable power and micro-grid distribution, living machines for water and waste management, and organic aquaponic food production at scale, all combined in a total community management system.

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2 thoughts on “RegenVillages – Integrated village designs for thriving regenerative communities

  1. Mette Reebirk

    RegenVillages are the way we want to live tomorrow. Through RegenVillages the industry can ensure their futur incremental innovations by using the data generated by the citizens living in RegenVillages and hereby we all help grow sustainable cities.


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